5 Things To Expect From A Hearing Clinic

It is completely normal for any individual to act nervous when visiting a hearing clinic or audiologist for the first time. If an individual is experiencing itching, hearing loss, ringing or any type of pain in the ear, a visit to the nearest hearing clinic is always recommended. Contrary to what people believe, professional ear cleaning is simple and pain-free.

Like anywhere else in the world, many people suffer from hearing difficulties and ear-related problems in Canada. Luckily for them, there is a myriad of hearing clinics in Ontario and neighbouring areas. For individuals unaware of what to expect from their visit to the hearing clinic, the following list will help them.

1. Providing medical history details

The first thing a patient has to do when going to a hearing clinic is to provide the medical professionals with information about their medical history. It is very important to include every small detail as some conditions like a compromised immune system can cause future problems. The hearing clinic professional will also require information on any active ear infections or any past damage to the inner ear. This way the hearing professional can be certain that it's safe to carry out ear cleaning operations on a particular patient.

2. Initial ear examination

Before any real diagnosis begins, the hearing professional will take a quick pick inside the ear canal for some initial examination. This way, the hearing professional will be able to see if there is any buildup of ear wax or any other debris that is blocking the ear canal.

3. Flushing the blockage out

Once the hearing professional has identified the cause of accumulation, the actual ear cleaning process will begin. Depending on the clinic, the patient is administered a syringe with water or saline solution directly into the ear canal. They do it in such a way as to not push the mass of hardened earwax further down the ear canal.

4. Applying ointments

After the ear irrigation stage has been completed, the hearing professional will help clean and dry up the ear. It is completely normal for the patient to feel some level of sensitivity or discomfort when the ointment is being applied. Since all the protective earwax may sometimes be removed, hearing professionals normally prescribe certain ear ointments to help patients with their discomfort.

5. Look out for side effects

There is always a chance of certain side effects even if the ear cleaning is performed well. Apart from general irritation, some patients may also suffer from slight dizziness after the cleaning is complete. In very rare cases, patients have complained of mild tinnitus. But the chances of these happening are very rare.


Cerumen or ear wax is self-cleaning. But many individuals can suffer some problems.  Some of the most common experiences include fullness or ringing in the ear and impaired hearing in the affected ear. If one is experiencing any of the above problems, they should contact and visit their nearest hearing clinic at the earliest.